
Showing posts from July, 2022

Education is key: Can you handle a business without the full details?

Someone wants to own a farm and/or start a lifestyle based business. They think everything is going to be a piece of cake. However, handling such things isn't so. In fact, it's something that takes a LOT of work. You cannot have a farm unless you have the money upfront. In this case, you need to deal with banks and certain level of government. Plus exporters will need to know what you are producing in the farm. If it isn't all food groups, it's more expensive. Plus there's taxes and fees to cover.  Regarding the situation of a new business, it is the same situation. If a business sells products based on certain lifestyle, it won't attract many people. Plus if it's new, it won't be approved for a bank loan. Plus credit history is another important factor, among others things. When it comes to starting a business. People need to understand that responsibility and sufficiency is required. As much as education is.

Expectations: the difference between high and good

 Most people don't really understand the saying, good, bad or high expectations. One example of an expectation being bad, is when a person always expects an outcome to just not to be good.  What is the difference between a high and a good expectation? Imagine that your significant other starts living with you. You're ecstatic about it. You start to believe that they'll have more quality time with you now. Their working days, hours and shift will change. They'll be helpful around the home.  To your significant other, that isn't so. Yes, they've started living with you but that doesn't mean it'll change their work schedule. In fact, it doesn't affect it at all. Except the address for the employer to mail documents and the distance in travel time to get there. This is what a high expectation is. Is when you assume something will turn out LIKE THAT. Basically, it's unrealistic and exaggerated. Here's the contrast to this example. Imagine that you...