Jane Eyre: if it was written in modern day
Imagine if the famous story from the novelist Bronte family member was written in modern times. England would have less colonies and the house of Windsor would be newspaper headlines. But everything about the richness and beauty of the the country's landscapes and castles isn't gone. Now imagine Edward Rochester is a public figure, an actor or singer. If not a triple threat, which means he has various talents. He is the desire of many females. Edward still likes to ride his horse and might have other animal companions. He's always attending to his business and communicating with his family. Now imagine he meets Bertha Mason, a lady Edward thinks might be his ideal partner. However, he realizes much too late Bertha isn't all she seems. His wife is an actress and has other skills, some family members as well. Unfortunately, she lived a life where negligence and perversion reign. Similar to the Greek tragedies of lore. The only thing that will make her happy is popularit...