Vampires using Seduction: How it is their greatest tool at hand
Seduction is the greatest tool of the vampire. How seduction can is so simple, anybody can do it in real life too. The vampire must learn everything they can about their victim. Their desires and struggles, their likes and dislikes, what their personality is like especially. They want their victim to gain their trust, therefore showing compassion and understanding are vital.
Many non-readers of fantasy books about vampires, or their television series and films, will wonder why it is a lot of their admirers are drawn to such stories. They are drawn to the allure the titular character, their sophistication and mystery, intelligence and charm. What made Dracula such a famous story was his ability to make his victim be smitten by how different he was from men of 19th century England. His tales of Transylvania and his loneliness couldn't be ignored but his ability to survive and rise in the social rank isn't far from impressive. The older Salvatore brother of the popular 'Vampire Diaries' book and TV series also knows a thing or two about this subject.
For this reason this character of Horror fiction has been seducing us for so long. They know how to make us feel things and have what we want.
Art of Seduction, The by Robert Greene-
Seduction by definition-
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