An Unlikely Romance

 An Unlikely Romance 

It is grotesque to know

How someone can stoop so low

How jealousy is the destroyer

Pride cometh before the fall as once told by the Proverbs author 

Like the story of Electra and Orestes, it has parallels with the Bible's Ahab and Jezebel

Both plotting against someone who they should have thought twice to mess with

The involvement of an reluctant Naboth would also come into account

Deception to avoid the speculation

Manipulation of the images and stories told

Obsession and desperation to further recognition

Greed of the social chameleon started moons ago 

You cannot be with this person, you cannot be with that person

Must show, my show this lie forever more

Always about me, it must always appear to be about me and how wonderful I am

Like Emma Bovary and Ellen Bernet gone mad

A lie cannot live for an eternity

Especially when those find things odd

Nobody can deceive God

A seductress encounters those like the villainous pairings of the Greek tragedy and First Kings 

Always escaped from an uglier fate

The seductress you'll hear more of in our tale

The exploited Naboth sees through this individual like a translucent paper

Badgering the innocent over platonic parlor

Taking things that isn't their own 

Thinking it is saving the Naboth who doesn't belong

The very man of the story wanted nothing of the unholy union

Believed the former pretty girl he met was who God wanted for him

But she was like Samson's wife

It was not to be so and this made his heart turn cold

The torment caused by the villainous twosome continued with the aid of the former love

All three of them planned this mad circus which the hero didn't know of

As well as the crimes against the innocent who will show no mercy

They will not have any happy ending

But the man who is still the hero of the story

He is like Samson, handsome and turns to God for glory

The seductress like Delilah now enters the picture

But not for destruction

She entices him with her words and beauty

Explains the hardship and sorrow and God's promise of love eternity

The Delilah of our story mentions she knows everything

Every evil, every madness

All the merciless innocent shared

Our hero like Samson could have said, there's no need to continue talking, we can go our separate ways

Yet did not say one word and decided to stay

The villains of our tale tried to keep our Samson and Delilah pair apart

But God would not let them be victorious


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